They Said Copywriting Was Dead.

So RIP copywriting, right? Right??!

Not exactly, although there are still plenty of voices out there calling (or predicting) time of death. 

Let’s face it: marketing is changing. It has changed. It’s going to keep changing forever and ever, amen. 

I’ve been at this digital marketing game for nearly a decade now. I know that strategies, tactics, algorithms, and media change rapidly and often. In this ecosystem, we’re forced to adapt. Or maybe, as a reframe, we get to adapt. 

Self-Worth Bypassing Doesn't Work. Here's Why.

Have you ever heard the term “spiritual bypassing”? If you’re not familiar with it, spiritual bypassing means that you use spiritual tools and practices in an attempt to avoid your real inner work.

In the same way, self-worth bypassing is an attempt to speed past the hard work of repairing your relationship with yourself so you can step into your true calling and full authority as a leader - no matter your path in life or in business.

Does the Term "Thought Leader" Make You Cringe?

Does the term “thought leader” make you cringe?

Yeah, it used to make me cringe, too. Because what does it actually mean?

I remember the first time I heard this term being thrown around in the digital marketing space 9 years ago. It didn’t make a lot of sense to me. If you’re a thought leader, aren’t you just a leader? Is there something special, unique, or somehow inaccessible about the way you think? What are you leading with except for ideas and innovations?